Ready to re-ignite that spark within?

(In the bedroom and far beyond)

Most of us were never taught what a little self-pleasure + connection with a part of our body can hold. With the simplest of practices and 15 minutes a day, you can spark your own sensual + love revolution.

Spend a little time in conscious connection and sensuality with your breasts and you may just find yourself...

  • Going from avoiding touch to moving your partner's hands there during intimacy because it now just feels So. Damn. Good. Where did all of this orgasmic pleasure come from?!

  • Going from feeling unsure and uncomfortable in your own skin to walking into rooms taking up space as the magnetic being you were born to be.

  • Feeling more light and free and available to love as you process old emotions that have been stuck in your body.

  • And, because the breasts and chest are the seat of the heart, we're talking a greater sense of self-love + sensitivity to and ability to speak your own feelings and needs.

There I was, just a couple years into motherhood, feeling lost and looking for something to connect with...within myself, my relationship, and my purpose beyond motherhood. I stumbled into a discovery of my body and sensuality and never looked back.

Sensual breast massage was one of those first sparks in my journey. It showed me just what was possible through my body -- more pleasure, more access to love within myself and my partner, more health and vibrancy. It remains a daily practice for me and one of my clients' favorite practices to anchor and integrate the deep work we do in our sessions.

Let's ignite that radiant spark within you.

Purchase now to get instant + lifetime access to everything inside.

What clients have to say....

"This experience helped me slow down and focus and just feel and enjoy feeling. I never really liked having my breasts touched, even by me. I pretty much ignored them. Kind of a revelation that they seem to enjoy it!"

"I feel a sense of ownership of my breasts. Like they're mine and for me. It definitely didn't feel that way before. I touch them a lot more now. And enjoy touching them."

"I was surprised how much emotion my breasts hold. Some days I have so much sadness release, some days I feel almost giddy and buzzing. I'm starting to feel more there throughout the day, too. And for the first time, I long to be touched there."

"One of my biggest aha's has been how I can soothe myself when I'm feeling anxious or something feels super urgent through this practice and things don't feel so urgent or alarming within me anymore."

"I return to this again and again. In the shower, in bed, in my office during the day. It's hard to put into words how comforting and energizing it is for me."

"This experience feels akin to what it feels like to have a partner who has been distant and making no time for me then come to me and finally be fully present, holding me and apologizing. Then taking his time to connect in and show me how much he loves me and desires me. That is what this feels like to me. Except it's me offering it to myself. There were a lot of tears, a sense of relief, and then pleasure. Pleasure all over my body."

" I swear my breasts feel fuller and perkier. They feel alive. Which makes me feel more alive!"

What might this experience change for you?

Come find out. You get instant access to the daily teachings, guided audio practices, and prompts to reflect on. We've been told the lie that this is as good as it gets as women in our bodies, but my dear, it gets to be so much more.